The Unity Living Process

The 8 Transmissions which make up the Unity Living Process offer cumulative awareness in the form of unique energetic components.

The ”Unity Bubble” is the first transmission and is the foundation for this work. It provides the protection and sets the stage for systematic release of unresolved trauma. It works with each recipient at a pace and depth suitable to one’s individual needs in connection with the higher self.

The following 7 transmissions are given in an order and address specific challenges. They are tools to assist in the surrendering of dysfunctional habits and patterns.

“The Flow” Transmission addresses resistance. These resistances may be conscious, subconscious or unconscious.

When first receiving the Unity Bubble, it was necessary to consciously surrender negative feelings, thoughts and emotions, as well as self-deprecating, self-sabotaging behaviours. The Bubble operates in alignment with your your free will.

Once you receive the Flow Protocol, you have chosen to work with your Unity Bubble on both a conscious and subconscious level. Aspects which are not in alignment with your Higher Self begin to lose their hold on you.

The Flow creates a deeper alignment with the personality self, Soul and Higher Self, so you can fully reclaim your ability to make conscious decisions based on your free will.

The second Transmission is called, “Breaking the Bonds”. The key word here is restriction. Here there is a freedom achieved with the discarding of the cyclical nature of restrictions and limitations created by deeply ingrained societal, cultural, familial and DNA programming. Such programming has been ongoing since birth and even before. These restrictions take the form of cultural and linguistic programming in the subconscious mind. Recognizable “sound bites” are created that subsequently set up preverbal boundaries, normalized without question and resistant to more profound analysis.

These sound bites and thoughts create circular patterns, that co-opt our desires and our innate genius, negatively influencing moment-to-moment behaviours and reactive emotions as we become triggered by external events.

Such deeply-ingrained, insistent, cyclical patterns keep us from moving forward and manifesting abundance into our lives.

The third Transmission, “My Sacred Garden”, is a beautiful energetic place for relaxation and healing when one feels the need to regroup, refocus, regenerate, refresh, rest and heal. Your energy is being balanced, grounded, settled and embodied. Your inner child reconnection is being compassionately integrated at deeper levels, developing in peace.

Slip into your very own Sacred Garden Sanctuary at any time simply by intention. Stay and rest as long as you need, from a few minutes to a few hours. Everyone’s Sacred Garden is unique. It is an energetic frequency specifically for you!

The fourth Transmission, “The Open Heart”, addresses balance in many different ways.

There is the balance of giving and receiving; the balance of the masculine or “active” aspect with the feminine “passive”; the balance of connection to the Divine or higher aspect with the necessity to ground the knowledge and wisdom gained through life experience. The balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is also addressed.

Deeper levels of control/fear become available for release, as well as deeper levels of judgement and expressions of misaligned ego. Consequently, abundance and manifestation of desires become easier as restricting blockages continue to be dissolved. It is a powerful transmission.

The fifth Transmission is called “Anti-Angst”. “Angst” is considered to be a spiritual condition described as a constant struggle with the burdens of life and sorrow in the world. It is our natural empathy combined with mass consciousness and our own personal unresolved issues. Angst is generally regarded to be incurable but perhaps it may be more helpful if we ask ourselves why we are here, on earth, at this particular time. In other words, Who am I and What is My Purpose?

This transmission cleans the slate of old ways, completing the education of the lower personality self. This enables movement towards living from a higher level of awareness.

The sixth Transmission, “Into Service”, is about your Presence in the world.

The desire to do the right thing, with no expectation, reward or praise, arises spontaneously now. Rewards will happen though - sometimes from unexpected avenues.

Depending on your own soul journey and individual desires, this may mean “going big” or “staying small”. Both are invaluable gifts to humanity and the world around you. This can mean holding space in a one-on-one relationship, around family and community or travelling the world and presenting to thousands. It is the quality of your loving vibration rippling outwards which truly matters.

The “Effortless Living” Transmission is the final, seventh transmission of the Unity Living Process.

This will bring awareness to those patterns which, up to now, have been unavailable to diffuse, unearthing anything which prevents one’s life from being effortless. It consolidates and grounds all previous Protocols and ensures the way is open and free of obstacles, allowing conscious manifestation to occur. Abundance, joy and strength become the signature of everyday life.

One can go forth in one’s full authenticity and true essence. This is your reward for completing the Unity Living Process.


Please contact us if you would like further information. Our Facilitators are happy to answer your questions.

For those who are going through The Unity Living Process and enjoy longer meditations to assist in releasing to your Unity Bubble

please visit: